Tax Season 2017 for Individuals

Tax Forms
The 2017 Tax Season for Individuals opens on 1 July 2017. 
eFilers will be first in line and can file from 1 July.
The deadlines are:
​Channel ​Deadline Type of Taxpayer​​
Manual – post or at SARS branch drop boxes​ ​22 September 2017 ​Non-provisional and provisional
eFiling or electronic filing at SARS branch ​ ​24 November 2017 ​Non-provisional
eFiling​ ​31 January 2018 ​Provisional
Some general information to help you prepare:

Supporting Documents

To get ready to submit your tax return, you will need to gather all your supporting documents which include the following:
  • IRP5/IT3(a) certificate(s)  from your employer or pension fund
  • IT3(b) certificates for investment returns
  • Financial statements, if applicable e.g. business income
  • Medical aid contribution certificates and receipts
  • ​Retirement annuity fund certificates
  • Certificates you received for local interest income earned
  • Logbook and other documents in support of business travel expenses
  • Completed confirmation of diagnosis of disability form (ITR-DD), if applicable
  • Any other relevant income and deduction information.
  • Bank account details
Top tip: Even though you will be using the supporting documents  to complete your return, you mustn’t send them to SARS. You must keep them safely for a period of five years should SARS require them in future.
More top tips:
  • Check your IRP5 and verify if all the information is correct before attempting to submit the return. If you notice any errors which might need to be corrected, kindly advise your employer to rectify it.  You will not be able to change these prepopulated fields on the return.
  • Check if the information on your medical aid contribution certificate is correct. If not, contact your medical aid scheme to correct it before you file your tax return.

Not everyone needs to submit an income tax return

You don’t need to file your return if your total salary earned during 1 March 2016 – 29 February 2017 for the 2016/2017 year of assessment is not more than R350 000 (before tax), provided:
  • You only have one employer (but remember if you have two employers or income sources e.g. late spouse / partner pension income, exam markings income, rental income, moonlighting income etc you do need to file even if the total is still under R350 000)
  • You have no car allowance or other income (e.g. interest or rent)
  • You are not claiming tax related deductions (e.g. medical expenses, retirement annuity contributions, travel expenses etc)
  • You received interest from a source in South Africa not exceeding –
    • R23 800 if you are below the age of 65 years;
    • R34 500 if you aged 65 years or older
  • Dividends were paid to you and you were a non-resident during the 2017 year of assessment.

Make accurate claims

Make sure you have the correct documents and proof for every claim you make.
  • Only use info and figures that reflect on your supporting documents
  • Use ONLY the amounts reflected on your contribution certificates from your retirement annuity fund, income protection scheme, medical aid etc.
  • Make sure you keep an accurate logbook and do not fabricate kilometres travelled
  • Don’t inflate the value of your vehicle.
  • Declare all income you received during the year of assessment like rent, interest and income from your part-time job
  • If a deduction does not exist – do not claim for it!

Be honest on your tax return

Overstating the number of dependants or expenses for medical claims is a criminal offence.
  • Only claim for the actual number of dependants registered on your medical aid
  • Don’t overstate your out-of-pocket medical expenses because SARS will ask for your receipts
  • Medication that has not been prescribed may not be claimed for.

Don’t fall for scams

Don’t be fooled by emails asking for your personal info
  • SARS will never request your banking details in any communication that you receive via post, email, or SMS. However, for the purpose of telephonic engagement and authentication purposes, SARS will verify your personal details. Importantly, SARS will not send you any hyperlinks to other websites – even those of banks.
  • SARS will also not send you any hyperlinks to other websites – even those of banks
  • There are no links to any bank on this website.


On Key

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