The New Normal is upon us. Nobody quite knows how it will affect business going forward except that it certainly will. Where the business of a company allows for staff to work from home, forward thinking companies are going to embrace the management challenges and collect on the savings the New Normal has to offer.

As a result of lockdown many of our clients, who traditionally let property from landlords, have given up their leases and sent staff to work from home. Staff have largely embraced this move relishing in the savings resulting from the reduction of the cost of fuel and toll gates. Our clients too have received the benefits of reduced rental expenditure which in many cases did have a meaningful impact on their bottom line.

Available, cheap technology has greased the homeward transition. The challenge that requires an innovative approach is how to manage the staff who require closer supervision. Regular weekly / monthly meetings are held to monitor progress and efficiencies of the employees. Many clients are faced with the dilemma to either sacrifice their private houses to accommodate these deliberations or rent small, even temporary offices.

You are a CTF Services, Accounts Plus client and hence we would like to offer our board room to you at absolutely NO cost at all. Should you need to make use of our facilities simply make arrangements, as to the time and date, with Pam and the facility is yours – free of charge.

This is our attempt to assist you to successfully manage your team and keep you bottom line at its maximum.

Keep safe and healthy
Peter Carlisle CA (SA)


On Key

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